• Be smart about your building maintenance schedule to stop aging.

  • No matter how much you try to keep up with maintenance, as a building ages it experiences the cracks, dust, buildup and rust. Building managers need to be on top of this, particularly if they’re in charge of buildings that are on the older side. It’s critical to make sure that problems do not get too out of hand and become extremely costly.

    According to the Cooperator New York, it’s important to clean a building’s façade so you can see exactly how dirty it’s become. The news provider reports that people often do not realize just how much dirt and grime has built up overtime until the façade has been cleaned. How often you should send out your crews with cleaning carts can depend, according to the source, because while a little buildup can hide some other problems, it actually expedites the building’s aging.

    You have to be smart about your maintenance schedule, as Area Development reports that effective management can help do a lot with a tight budget. You want to keep your building in the best condition possible without wasting resources. This is why addressing small problems before they become too costly can be a big savings in the long run.