• Restaurant hiring slows, but managers focus on retention

  • The amount of people who are taking restaurant jobs dipped slightly this past month, meaning there may be less talent on the anti-fatigue mats of the kitchen as hiring slows down.
    However, Nation’s Restaurant News reports that this could just be a random lag, because July saw the highest hiring record for the industry in the past three years. Once restaurants brought on the talent they needed, it makes sense that a slowdown would occur, giving managers the opportunity to focus on their current staff dynamics. Restaurant managers have also been striving to retain top talent by offering training and career paths so they’ll have more incentive to stay around.
    According to the National Restaurant Association, many restaurant workers feel if they have a place where they can really grow their careers, they’re more likely to stay. Management should also be transparent, discussing whether or not there is a potential path and also be upfront about expectations for growth and desired skillset. The news provider reports if you want to drive employee loyalty further, consider having an incentive program for when they complete specific tasks. This can also help encourage employees to go the extra mile in service.