• Be strategic when mapping out your restaurant shift schedule

    Are you being strategic with your restaurant shifts? Foodservice managers will often think about who to put on during specific shifts based on availability, personality and ability to handle busy times. Restaurant shifts can take a toll on employees, so it’s a good idea to put anti fatigue mats [...]

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    Keep falling to a minimum in the food service industry.

    Working in the restaurant industry means that there is a lot of room for accidents. Because it’s typically a fast-paced environment, it can be hard to keep track of everything that’s going on in the kitchen. Bumping into one another and potentially spilling something and causing the tiles to be [...]

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    Manual inventory control is important in business.

    Proper inventory control is critical to a business’s success. Warehouse managers should know exactly what’s coming in on material handling carts and should be able to determine exactly where stock is in order to fulfill orders quickly. According to Business 2 Community, it’s critical for [...]

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    Reduce falls at work with the help of mats, limiting distractions

    Those who have to be on their feet all day at work understand the possible injuries that can crop up. Particularly in a fast-paced field, it can be easy to not pay attention while working and suddenly slip and fall. While anti-fatigue mats can add a bit of traction that can prevent the number of [...]

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    Try to combat workplace fatigue in all forms.

    Those who are working long hours may be putting their bodies in danger if they’re not getting enough sleep. Research has shown that no matter what shifts people are working, they need to make sure they’re getting enough rest or they could leave themselves open to workplace injury. Anti-fatigue [...]

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    Don’t let time waste in the warehouse.

    You need material handling carts to move inventory at an efficient pace. Not only can this equipment reduce the chance of injury on the workforce, it can also help move inventory more quickly. You may not realize exactly how much you can save in cost when you speed up the processes of your [...]

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    Working the night shift? Try to make it comfortable.

    Standing for long hours at work can take a toll on the joints, and if workers aren’t careful, they’ll really start to notice the aches and pains in time. However, managers can help alleviate this stress by putting anti-fatigue mats on the floor to help reduce the pressure to the joints that can [...]

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    Warehouse vacancy ticks up slightly

    Warehouses have been hot properties over the past few years, as companies try to streamline their supply chain in order to better keep up with customer demand. As there is a greater need for providing products at a lightning speed rate, companies are trying to buy up warehouse space in key areas to [...]

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    Stay on top of joint health while on the job.

    Standing for long hours day in and day out can have an effect on the body, particularly the joints. While managers of employees who spend a lot of time on their feet can get anti-fatigue mats to help ease the discomfort, there are other factors people should be aware of so they can stay on top of [...]

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    Stay on top of routine vehicle maintenance as much as you can.

    Taking your vehicle in for repairs should happen on a recurring basis. Professionals have utility carts filled with the equipment they need to make sure your car is running smoothly and efficiently. With the change in seasons, it can be particularly hard on a vehicle. But you should not wait for [...]

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