• Staying on top of a clean kitchen with cleaning carts!

  • Because an office is a shared environment, it’s really easy for common areas to build up dirt and grime quickly, particularly if people do not pick up after themselves. Sending in crews with cleaning carts on a regular basis can help keep things in control, but there are some rooms that face a bigger roadblock in staying clean than others.

    It’s really common for office kitchens to get dirty quickly. According to the Tampa Bay Business Journal, managers will often notice that the kitchen is the hardest room in the office to keep clean. However, managers often have a hard time finding the energy to police their workers in making sure they are picking up after themselves. The news provider suggests hiring professionals to come in on a regular basis to mop the floors, scrub the surfaces and just pick up anything that’s been left out. A dirty kitchen can sometimes lead to unwanted creatures, so it’s best to get the problem taken care of early.

    In the immediate, managers may want to consider putting up signs around the kitchen reminding staff to clean up. According to the Small Business Chronicle, some of the reminders can include to wipe up any spills, clean the microwave if there is an accident during use, and covering food with a paper towel while heating it up.

    – See more at: http://blog.rubbermaidcommercialproducts.com/2016/05/23/staying-top-clean-kitchen/#sthash.gYb2IJi4.dpuf