• Take control of office clutter.

  • Have you thought about bringing in janitorial crews with cleaning carts and mops to your office common areas yet? Spring cleaning is in full gear, and many business managers will kick off the season by removing the physical clutter first.

    According to The Huffington Post, now is a popular time to clean up the office, whether it be from physical or digital clutter. The news provider recommends taking an extra close look at any of the common rooms in the office space, as they can frequently be left in disarray due to their use. Additionally, there could be supplies that could need replacing due to heavy wear.

    It’s up to office managers to make sure that these areas stay clean and functionable. However, the news provider suggests making it a team effort and assigning specific things to be on the lookout for to different team members.

    Total Wellness Health also suggests that papers and binders, which can accumulate at a rapid rate, should be looked at during spring cleaning. If you’re holding onto papers that are no longer relevant to anything you’re working on, throw them away and reduce your clutter. Binders can serve as organizers, but it’s important to keep on top of them and make sure none of the contents are outdated.

    – See more at: http://blog.rubbermaidcommercialproducts.com/2016/04/28/control-office-clutter/#sthash.7X240Gwv.dpuf