• Take control of the office clutter during spring cleaning

  • It’s a busy time of year for the cleaning crew in your office. Spring is a time for cleaning and organizing all of the different papers and clutter that can build up throughout the year, and many companies will take out the mops, buckets and other cleaning solutions and get to work.

    In addition to the general cleanliness of the office, many workers may find that their desk accumulates a lot of odds and ends. According to the Professional Convention Management Association, employees will want to take a look around their personal areas and get rid of as many needless papers as possible.

    While the smell of a freshly mopped floor can also give the office space a nice clean scent, the news provider also suggests adding some greenery to the mix. Not only can incorporating plants into the decor improve the air quality, but the source reports they can even help make employees be more productive in their day-to-day.

    According to The Huffington Post, a personal workspace is quick to turn into a catch-all for different knick knacks. Workers will want to think about what supplies they really need on a regular basis and find a proper storage place for the rest of it.